After eighteen months of dedicating this blog to students to provide supplemental data and certification preparation advice, I decided to expand its goals. This year, I plan to include categories of articles related to professional services focused on VMware.
In addition to having years of experience teaching official VMware training classes, I also have years of experience in delivering professional services on vSphere, View, vCloud and other VMware technologies. In addition to being a VMware Certified Instructor (VCI) Level 2, I also am a VMware Certified Professional (VCP) on datacenter virtualization (VCD-DCV), desktop (VCP-DT) and cloud (VCP-Cloud). I am also a VMware Certified Advanced Professional (VCAP) on datacenter design (VCAP-DCD), desktop design (VCAP-DTD) , cloud design (VCAP-CID), and datacenter administration (VCAP-DCA). In addition to providing training via the VMware Authorized Training Center (VATC) program, I also provide professional services via the VMware Authorized Consultant (VAC) program. VMware utilizes me, as well as other authorized consulting partners, to deliver professional services in the field to their customers. VMware works hard to ensure that any sub-contrator delivering their professional services are as capable as their own engineers. In my case, I have worked longer at delivering VMware focused professional services than most of engineers, who are directly employed by VMware. I have trained several of these engineers.
I plan to begin using vLoreBlog to share advice and experience related to my professional services delivers. This will include areas such as:
- New features, products, and announcements from VMware
- 3rd party products and technologies
- Architect and Design advice
- Real field examples including challenges, decision justification, and gotchas
The articles will concentrate on details from my actual experience with the intent of providing details that may be lacking in the community.
Today, I posted my first article under the new category: Professional Services Tips.
I hope you find it useful.